Want to hear my best tip for Cosmic Education?

We’ve chatted a bit already about Cosmic Education. It is vitally important if we want our children to grow up to be responsible carers of the world and all of the people on it.

Lots of Cosmic Education stuff happens in the second plane of development. But you need to start sowing the seeds early on. This tip can be used from the minute a child can walk outside. The conversations will vary a lot depending on their age, but even if they aren’t talking back to you, they are absorbing so much of what is happening, which is in turn shaping who they are going to become.

The best tip I have for this?

Focus on the positive. Little kids aren’t really going to be able to fully understand global warming or ocean pollution and I know I feel like keeping them from things like war for as long as possible.

So, focus on the positives. Think about what they can actually do to become custodians of the world and be Global Citizens. Understanding nature and how it all links together is a great place to start.

picture of a small child looking over at the scenery, whilst talking to parent about what nature does for us as a starting point to Cosmic Education in Montessori education.
  1. Go on walks and notice nature. Talk about why that tree grows there and what it does to help us, and how we help the trees. Talk about how the trees sense each other under the ground and they actually help each other when one is damaged or needs food. (How incredible is that by the way?)
  2. You can talk about the interconnectedness (is that a word?!) of everything. And how eventually, everything works together. Talk about the snail on the path and what it’s up to. What’s its job? How does it help us? By the way, snails are good composters, even if they do like to eat our sunflowers every year. So they help the soil, which in turn helps food to grow which helps us to eat, but also helps birds and small mammals eat. You could simply spend time watching the snail and see if there’s anything your child can do to help it on it’s quest.
  3. For older AND younger children – you can talk to them about symbiotic relationships (where one living thing helps another, but also gets something in return.) Like the examples above, but here’s another one, given to me by a 7 year old boy today: hippos don’t need to clean their teeth because underwater fishes do it for them, and when they are on the ground, oxpeckers do the cleaning. The hippos get clean teeth, and the animals get some food. Win win.
  4. Work things out together to give your child a chance to think for themselves. It can be so easy to give them the answers because we are so keen for them to learn. See these beautiful moments as a chance to wonder together, a chance to work things out as a team. Their thoughts about it all are just as valid as ours. Bigger doesn’t mean better 😉

Focus on the Positives

Try to go out and about with either no agenda, or a flexible one. This means that you won’t feel the need to rush to your appointment or to the shop. These things obviously still need to happen – but try to work in times where you and your little people can just be together in nature, wondering about the universe and all the magical things within it.

I would LOVE to hear about your adventures with Cosmic Education. Find me on social media here to send me a message with your stories.

Until next time,

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